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Saturday, November 20, 2010

What is Immigration?

Definition:The act of immigrating; the passing or coming into a country for the purpose of permanent residence.
 What do birds do when the weather begins to turn cold? They fly to another country where the weather is warmer. This move from one place to another is called migration. The birds migrate to a better climate.

    People also move from one country to another. If the people go to a new country for just a short visit, they are usually called tourists. If people move to another country with the intention of living there, it is called immigration. The people are called immigrants.

    Many immigrants plan to live in the new country for a long period of time. They want to become citizens of the new country. The number of people who immigrate to a new country is very large. In 2005, over 190 million people changed countries. That sounds like a lot of people. Actually, that is only three of every one hundred citizens of the world or 3%. The rest of the citizens of the world stayed in their own countries.

  Man has migrated to different parts of the world since the beginning of history. How else do you think land all over the world was settled? Humans migrated across a land bridge between the lands of northern Asia to the land that would become North America. They migrated from the far north to the far south and populated areas as they moved.

  When countries were formed, questions about immigration arose. Some people oppose movement from one country to another. The number of available workers can dwindle when laborers immigrate to another country. Some people believe that an unhealthy living environment is created when people of different backgrounds and cultures live together. The host country is strained when too many immigrants are allowed to settle. More schools, more hospitals, and more housing are needed. These all cost the host country a lot of money.

The desire for a better life is sometimes so big that it makes people leave their countries and their families and work in other countries. They know that they will have to face difficult moments that they won't be able to communicate with the persons around them, that maybe they will have to work in illegal conditions to get the money they need for their families, but all take these chances and they hope they will succeed.
On the other hand, there are persons who immigrate just for the sake of the persons they love. They leave their families to make other families with the persons they love. Women go to meet the men they love who have chosen other countries to start a new life, even if they miss their families and their friends.
ht- � 6 8 ��� P�� ist:l0 level1 lfo1;tab-stops:list .5in'>Complete background check may be done on documents and information that has been provided on the forms as also accompanying documents. Where required, the applicant may be given an opportunity to provide an explanation or additional documents. However, it is essential to note that doing so is the case officer’s discretion. Case officer is within his right to take a decision based on submitted documents and refuse to accept any new documents or evidence that applicant may like to apply. So doing forms correctly and providing all documents and information the first time, is very important.
  • Applicant is asked to undergo medical and security clearances. Applicant incurs expenses related to medical and application for security clearances, wherever applicable.

  • Finally the applicant is asked to deposit the Right to Permanent Resident fee. This is only applicable if the application has been approved. This fee covers for the applicant and his spouse or the common – law partner. It is to be paid before the issuance of the permanent resident visa. This fee is refundable incase the applicant decides to cancel his application or does not use his visa.

  • Applicant must submit his passport for the stamping on the visa.

  • The process might seem very easy but many a times a minor error leads to the rejection of an application. It has to be remembered that while dealing with such an application, it is actually being dealt with bureaucracy. Here, everything goes by the law book. Thus, hiring an immigration advisor will ensure that even the smallest of details are not missed.

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